Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Letter Annotated Bibliography Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Letter - Annotated Bibliography Example Such, we would like to know if it would be possible for your company to deliver those microwave ovens by August 15. We intend to order by quantity. Since we are operating on a budget, we would be particularly interested if you can give discounts if we order in bulk. Please send us a quotation of your discounted price for us to seriously consider. We would also like to know the specification of your microwave ovens to determine it ease of use. We hope that you will respond to our inquiry as soon as possible because we have to decide soon which seller we would order our microwave oven requirements. The information you will provide us will tremendously help us in considering your company with our requirement for microwave ovens. As our valuable client, we would like to inform you that we took the initiative to update your ledger so that it would reflect the correct transactions of your company. As an accounting firm, we understand how important it is to have a correct accounting record because the figures in your books will be used by your company in its decision making. The necessary adjustment in your company’s ledger however was not part of the quotation that Accountants For All had quoted for this year’s services. The service, although it required manual review and adjustment of the receipts and ledger, cost only $500 which will be added to the previously quoted amount for this year’s tax services. We hope that you understand the necessity why we have to manually adjust your ledger. As a valuable client, we would like to ensure that your books are correct and updated. Such, we took the initiative of proactively updating it before any issue would

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