Wednesday, December 25, 2019

The Role Of Sacred Music On My Worship Experience - 941 Words

the role of sacred music in my worship experience is that it touches the inner most parts of my emotions, it stirs my heart and makes me want to sing. I enjoy all kinds of music in worship, upbeat songs to lift you, songs that have special meaning for the time I am going through, praise songs that lift up Jesus and music that unites us as a people. I enjoy music that makes laugh and even music that makes me cry. For me all music is praise as the Bible says, â€Å"By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name.† (KJV) When we sing, we praise, we speak to the heart of God. Some of my favorite songs are â€Å"The Old Rugged Cross†, because it was my Mom’s†¦show more content†¦If there was music that was hard for you to hear I would say it is because either you feel convicted or it brings forth bad memories. I know right after my Mom died it was hard for me to hear, â €Å"The Old Rugged Cross†. But now it makes me think of her and it makes me happy. For me there are many aspects of worship that move me into His divine presence. Most of the time it is through music and worship. I try to come to church ready to worship and think it helps when we come expecting to receive something from God. Music moves me into an emotional state. I can worship God when the offering is being taken. When I preach I feel the anointing of the Lord and feel very close to Him at that time. During Holy Communion I feel united with Christ, the world, the Church and my local fellowship. I think part of our fellowship with Christ depends on mind set when we enter in. Do we come to church with worship in mind? Do we truly come to Church to worship Jesus? I know when I give the opening prayer I normally say something to affect, â€Å"Let’s forget about what we have to do after church and this next week and let’s invite the presence of the Lord.† It is so easy to get distracted and miss what is that God has for us that particula r service. It is easy not to hear from God and not be blessed. How blessings do we miss simply because we were not paying attention? God can and does speak through all aspects of the service. I was a member of different denomination and

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